GRSI Organization latest news

February 2024

SIGGRAPH Conference Track papers are now eligible to the GRSI award.

August 2023

After one year of service as GRSI General Chair, it is time for me to give some feedback about the Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative (
First of all, I would like to thank all the Evaluation Committee members and external reviewers for their commitment to the replicability of computer graphics papers. Without your support to the initiative, nothing would have been possible. It is a very impactful community driven effort with strong support from the main computer graphics journals.
Let me share with you a few GRSI news:
  • Since Sept. 2022, 56 submissions have been received (43 accepted, 4 rejected --mostly inactive authors or unmatched requirements-- and 9 are still being evaluated). From the beginning of the GRSI, 270 papers have been awarded so far in ACM TOG, Wiley CGF, Elsevier C&G or IEEE TVCG. If interested, we have set up a live statistics web page (including per journal distribution): (note that even if we do accept CAGD submissions, Elsevier is now using CodeOcean to endorse reproducible papers).
  • Since spring 2023, GRSI has been partnering with Software Heritage ( for the long term archiving and indexing of GRSI accepted source code(the swh-logo.png icons). If you're interested, you can refer to the blog post at
  • A twitter account (@graphics_stamp) has been set up to notify GRSI accepted paper+code (the future of this platform is a bit unclear).
  • Few minor edits on the main page layout. Internally, the GRSI internal system has been slightly updated to fix issues we have faced during this period (kudos to our Technical Manager, Eric Lombardi, CNRS). Thanks again to the previous GRSI General Chairs (Marco Attene and Daniele Panozzo) for their help and highly valuable scripts and material. If you have any suggestion, question or comment, please feel free to reach me out. If you want to be involved in the GRSI organization, please contact me as well.

    Sincerely yours,
    David Coeurjolly
    GRSI General Chair